Twin Pregnancy

First Trimester
We announced our pregnancy on Christmas Eve
to our families.
I was incredibly luck that I barely had morning
sicknessduring my pregnancy.

Second Trimester
At first we thought we were having a boy
and a girl, but the 16 week ultrasound surprised
us with two boys!
They were getting so big that I accidentally
 covered up the word BIG!
Early on in the pregnancy, we discovered Baby
A had aTwo Vessel Umbilical Cord that
could have caused growth problems. Thankfully
 it did not and he was born at a great weight.
Third Trimester
I felt great through out my pregnancy, but by
32 weeks I was starting to feel uncomfortable.
By the end of my pregnancy my stomach was
measuring 43 weeks and I was very
uncomfortable. I was veryready to meet
 our boys.
Delivery Day!
D-Day had finally arrived and we were so excited
 to meet Bryson and Connor.

1 comment:

  1. Love all the bump pictures! Congratulations on your boys and what looks like an awesome pregnancy. You were beautiful!
